This week my partner at Solarsculptures, Stephen Fairfield, and myself installed a great interactive art project underneath the Walnut Street Bridge in downtown Green Bay Wisconsin. You can see the article in the Green Bay Press Gazette, and a video at Fox 11 Online
Civic leadership and Arizona’s high-tech industry
From Arizona Center for Civic Leadership: Patrick Marcus, a Tucson-based biomedical engineer, artist, and entrepreneur, is on the move: He is phasing out his involvement in two Tucson high-tech companies and launching a third, Marcus Engineering LLC, an engineering and technology business-development firm. Dr. Marcus is also an emerging civic leader. He recently spoke to […]
Solar Oven Workshop

Did you ever think that cooking a hot dog would support K-12 education and deliver a message for a solar powered future? I had the fantastic experience of cooking some hot dogs that shaped the futures of, bright and excited elementary school children. Sounds like a pretty good way to spend a hot May […]
education, solarSolar Oven Design – For Kids

Introduction Solar energy is an important part of our future. Oil, gas, coal and other non-renewable energy sources are becoming more expensive. The population of our planet is growing and we will all still need energy to live. Our sun produces a lot of energy and will keep producing energy for over 7 billion years! […]
education, solar