The driving force of Arizona’s tech ecosystem was a gleam with holiday decorations, festive outfits, and warm conversations. The energy was palpable as the Tucson tech community celebrated the closing of 2021 and promising excitement of the new year. The holiday season can so easily be commandeered by fleeting time and consumption! Once again, the […]
Marcus Engineering Small Business of the Year 2021

We are truly honored to have Marcus Engineering recognized as a 2021 Small Business of the Year by Pima County. We were recognized for “workforce development, maintaining a supportive workplace and fostering community engagement” “Pima County Small Business Commission announces award winners focusing on workforce development, supportive workplace and community engagement in 2021. The Pima […]
UofA Engineers Foster Mentorship Pipeline

On November 5th, generations of trailblazing alumni engineers, faculty, friends, and family gathered to celebrate the 2021 Engineering Alumni Awards at the 58th Annual Engineers Breakfast. For over half a century, the UofA College of Engineering has birthed talent, innovation, and mentorship which has given rise to the evergreen array of tech leadership stemming from […]
Arizona Showcases Itself as a Resilient Fast Growing Tech Hub

The Phoenix Convention Center lionized the most innovative tech leaders as they were recognized and awarded for their achievements. The Arizona tech communities’ premier awards event of the year honored technology leaders and innovators from across the state of Arizona at the 2021 Governor’s Celebration of Innovation on October 13th. The Arizona Technology Council and […]
The Tech Oasis of Southern Arizona Illuminates the Desert to Showcase and Celebrate!

The magic of the tech community celebrating together at the Ninth Annual Southern Arizona Tech + Business Expo illuminated the lush tech oasis that has long been a leader in tech innovation and manufacturing. Dozens of tech companies came together at the Tucson Convention Center showcasing startup technologies, established technology solutions, and services to help […]
The Entrepreneurial Minds of Tomorrow Are FORGE(D) In Arizona

Turning solar farms into gardens, and boat engines into renewable generators are just a few of the business plans coalescing in downtown Tucson AZ at the Arizona FORGE. Ideas like these and their underlying business plans for growth are tested and evolved at the “FORGE,” a program at the University of Arizona. FORGE opened […]
Mark’s Qi Charging Class and Calculator

Mark Omo will be giving a presentation on Qi Wireless Charging at Microchip Technology’s 2019 Worldwide MASTERs conference, along with Santosh Bhandarkar from Microchip. Their class is 23104 PC12: Fundamentals of Wireless Power, and if you’ll be at MASTERs this year, you should check it out. To accompany his presentation, Mark developed a spreadsheet that […]
Do you have what it takes to be a Marcus Engineering Employee?

Think you would make a valuable contribution? Take this short test to find out… You own multiple Arduinos You have spent more than an hour arguing about spaces vs tabs You constantly prowl Ebay and Auctions for test equipment You know FPGA is not a DOD program Your boss has attended D&D night You have […]
High School Students Design Real Circuits Thanks to Marcus Engineering Internship Programs

Who would think high school students could join the workforce as engineers at such a young age. Marcus Engineering has a vision of building Arizona’s technology ecosystem through their innovative internship programs focusing younger and younger every year. “Technology is becoming more and more competitive. If we want to stay on top we have to […]
What the HACK have we been up to??

Earlier this year, Dr. Patrick Marcus was invited to be the keynote speaker at IBM’s internal Hackathon here in Tucson. Hackathons are a place where people from all types of technical backgrounds have the opportunity to come together and solve a problem. These enthusiastic engineers show us time and time again that the bar can […]